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The court case of PP. v. DonMessWithMe4 (Pt.1)

29 MARCH 2020

Today at The High Court of Malaya, DonMessWithMe4 and his other gang members were charged by the prosecutors.

Defendants: 1.. DonMessWithMe4 Charged for: 3 Counts of Murder 5 Counts of recruiting persons in an organized crime group 2. hafiysoldier1123ALT Charged for: 2 counts on murder 3. HuseinAlShami Charged for: 1 count assisting in an organized crime group 4. MINGHANOFNANHWA Charged for: 1 count of Abetment Murder 5. strawbeuri Charged for: 2 counts of Abetment Murder 1 count in Criminal Intimidation 6. ItsXgaming (Absent) Charged for: 1 count on Murder 1 count on Theft Prosecution / Plaintiffs: 1. Harvey_Walker96 2. LushDeadlyMau125 3. Secret_Intelligence Witness(es): 1. D/CPL Ham_Marksman 2. Another witness that decided to keep his identity a secret Proceeding Number: J-004HC-M/2020

About 63 players were at the High Court. (Including staff members) Due to the reason that taking pictures or recording videos is illegal in the court, no videos or pictures were taken inside.

We interviewed DonMessWithMe4 right before the court case to ask about what’s his feelings are. Questions asked and answers given are slightly edited.

Q: Mr Don, how are you feeling? A: I’m feeling quite nervous.

Q: Do you think that you can win this case? A: I’ll just say we’re gonna lose this case anyway. Q: Why do you think so? A: Because of the amount of evidences they got. Q: Do you feel guilty for your acts? A: Yes, indeed I am.


  1. Guilty (Murder)

  2. Not Guilty (Recruiting persons)


  1. Guilty (Abetment Murder)

  2. Guilty (Recruiting persons)


  1. Guilty (Abetment of Murder)

  2. Not Guilty (Crim. Imitidation)


  1. Guilty (Murder)

HuseinAlShami: -This def. was acting in a very disrespectful manner -His hearing will be rescheduled within due time -Officers were told to escort this def. , out of the chamber ItsXGaming:

  1. Guilty (ON ALL CHARGES)

-Absent -Was absent, so his lawyer helped him to plead guilty -He has no Discord account, so it’s hard to track him down

After that, lawyers proceeded to opening statements by the prosecution and defence. You can find the opening statements by both of the prosecution and defence, here.

The case presentation by them can also be found in the extra notes document. Do note that our journalists was typing the transcript as fast as lighting, grammar mistakes may be spotted. The original sentence may not be the same, but the sentences in the transcript have the (almost) same meaning. The transcript is owned by Sinaran Network, therefore it shall not be used as evidence in future court cases.

Our journalists were too tired to record the rest of the court case. Therefore, no more information is available. Here are some of the notes by our journalist:

-A document including a screenshot of Mr Straw holding a knife called ‘Parang’

-According to what Mr Straw said, that was a clear threat since he gave threats and was wielding a knife, I believe he has in fact committed CRIMINAL INTIMIDATION. It is clearly shown. Thank you my lord. (SAYS MR. INTEL)

After that, the prosecution proceeded to the evidences that can be found here.

Closing statements can also be found in our extra notes document. Afterwards, the court was adjourned until tomorrow.

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