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The Budget Plan (2/2)

24 JUNE 2020

On 21st of June 2020, Prime Minister iiSpaceRocket released the government's budget plan in a PDF document. You can read it, here. Sinaran Network created a survey based on the budget plan to see how satisfied are the citizens of Malaysia. A day later, an alternate budget plan was made by Nexus_Sovereignity (aka jieren2002). You can read his budget plan, here.

In this article, we will cover the interview with Prime Minister iiSpaceRocket and Nexus_Soverignity in another article. For the article about the survey, read it here.


Q: So what made you proposed the Budget Statement?

A: I believe it is a good thing to let other people be employed. As most of our citizens are unemployed. And we hope that our budget for the MoCT can help a lot of companies to grow.

Q: So do you mean that this Statement was intended to encourage the public to get a job?

A: No, it isn't intended but it is good to let the public know that this is a good opportunity

for them to be employed and hopefully contribute to our economy.

Q: How long have you been planning this Statement?

A: About a few weeks now.

Q: How and why do you think this can benefit the economy?

A: Because now, most companies that have been registered under SSM have great potential but not enough funding to grow.

After the Supply Bill 2020 has passed through the Senate. Hopefully, SSM will have an application for those companies who are in need of funding. His will also hopefully make people more interested in working.

Q: How will the funds be paid?

A: If we can get our SSM group running, then we can use that to fund the chairman or the HR of the company. And for the other ministries, we will just ask the admins to fund the correct person. Like for PDRM and MAF, we will just ask the admins to fund to their group.

Q: What will the government do just in case the funds are finished? (What if the group funds are finished)

A: Impossible. The admins only give the government 1k Robux. I believe the MYS group funds have more than that.

Q: Let's just say that after the Hari Raya event, there are not many funds left. Will the government delay the process?

A: If the funds are less than 1k Robux and we can't fund yet, then, of course, we will delay. But I'm sure the group has way more than that. Even one person buys the HCC gamepass, that's like enough for 3 government term funds.

Q: Do you think future governments will form the ministry of finance in the future?

A: Indeed but it would be a hassle to have many ministerial posts. But for now, the MoF will be under the PMO. Hopefully, as soon as the bill passes, and everything goes well, admins can start distributing the funds out to the correct groups.

INTERVIEW WITH NEXUS_SOVEREIGNTY: Q: So why did you decided to make another budget plan?

A: When I saw the government budget, I think like every other person I was like Hey why are you paying yourself so much it is like more than half going to government salaries. So I was thinking about what I could do about this ridiculous budget when I realised the IRL opposition does make an alternative budget to the government. Hence, that's where I got my inspiration to show the rakyat, what a real budget that cares for the needs of the rakyat looks like.

Q: So, you do not think that the government shall be paid?

A: No, absolutely not. Can the government honestly ask for a salary when MAF and PDRM get nothing? I mean just look at it, who is the one going out there to clear the government's mess all the time? Who is the one patrolling the streets and defending our nation?

Who is the one who berkhidmat untuk negara? What has the government done to deserve a salary? In my opinion, they have done nothing to deserve any salary. And MPs getting R$10 to attend a session and say yes no is an insult to PDRM and MAF who are getting nothing in the government budget.

Q: But the original budget statement did mention a 200 Robux to the MNSA.

A: There are what? 162 MAF and PDRM personnel they are on average getting less than R$2 per individual. And the PM wants to take R$8 for his salary when all he does is walk-in KL and require police to protect him? I don't think that sounds fair.

Q: But if an average pay of every 162 personnel, that will be a total of 810 Robux to the MNSA.

A: I think the Alternative Budget addressed this with R$5 per serviceman, which we counted would be around R$630. Of which R$330 comes from public donations. It's possible if the government doesn't waste R$300 paying MPs to goyang kaki.

Q: So we also asked this question to the PM, so we asked, how do you think this budget plan will benefit the economy. How will you answer?

A: Under the Alternative Budget, we will be allocating a total of R$500 to SSM to develop the business sector. This is a vast improvement over what the government has planned. As mentioned, we will form 2 funds, the:

Kuala Lumpur Entrepreneur’s Fund (KLEF): R$200

Kuala Lumpur Business Support Fund (KLBS): R$300

The KLEF will be used primarily to help a new business in what I call "target industries" which are industries that are in great need of development and need funds to do so. So for example transportation (like airlines).

Meanwhile, the KLBS will be targetted at supporting EXISTING businesses who need short term loans.

Businesses can apply to SSM for funds from either fund, and it is SSM's job to evaluate if we should give them the loan or government grant through a metric which will likely evaluate how likely they are to repay the loan.

We can certainly learn from the British Bank of England and how they operate their loans.

We will also give funds to MoT to contract private transport businesses in KL, and provide more choice for consumers.

The government intends to only contract one business, but that is inadequate to have only one private company.

More competition ensures the rakyat have more choice, encourages competition. We have allocated funds for that purpose

Together, these initiatives will grow the business sector and enable a healthy business dynamic in KL. That is after all that the developers gave funds to the government to do. It will enable more businesses to register, and more viable businesses to offer services for the rakyat to enjoy. This is how we will benefit the economy, with R$650. More than the government.

Q: How can you describe the government's budget plan?

A: An eye-watering outrage, blatantly taking funds for themselves without developing the economy. Doesn't serve the needs of the Rakyat and SSM.

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