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Clean Riot: MYS’s Crisis

26 NOVEMBER 2019

Picture by llewelltan3507

Today, marks the biggest riot ever happened in MYS’s Kuala Lumpur. The rally started at 4 PM (UTC+8) and lasted until 7 PM. What the riot is protesting about is to “Clean Kuala Lumpur”.

Before the big rally even happens, some protesters already gathered themselves at Stadium Lontash, resulting Police to arrive and to disperse the crowd.

We believe that more than 20 Shells of Tear Gas were fired by the police, but the crowd do not disperse easily. Some visitors also joined the riot just for fun without acknowledging that this will cause harm to it’s own country.

Protesters were also using some lethal items that were just added to the game before the rally begins, Firecrackers and Molotov. Firecrackers flung people off and also damages any players nearby. Molotov generates a huge ring of fire at the targeted area, and will also damages players nearby.

The government has also urged the protesters to stop protesting as it will cause a lot of damages than they thought.

Source: MYS Discord

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia had also released a statement about setting a Travel Advisory at Kuala Lumpur earlier.

Source: MYS Discord

As we now have a permit request form to allow civilians to legally host protests, it will also increases the amount of protests in Kuala Lumpur.

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